It is a common but wrong practice to add print statements inside your code to convey message about the code/function on the standard output - at least that is what I used to do till last year. Last year, I got to know about logging and got to understand its ...
Handling errors with try-catch in Python
In the previous post I discuss about how to convert a string to date format in Python. I was working on similar idea today. I had a column of object type which was string of dates. The column name is 'signed_up_at' and I wanted to convert it to date format ...
Working with dates in Python
I cringe every time I see a date type column in the data. And you may ask why so? Date columns need some methods applied to them
The reason is I don't normally see date columns in the data I work with so I don't remember the functions ...
git and github for data scientists
It has been close to a year since I shifted to a start-up which incidentally got acquired after a month of my joining. Before this I used to work at WalmartLabs where we always wanted to use a version control system like git but it never took off properly. Now ...
Creating a virtual environment in Python
I was trying to get a virtual environment set up on Python 3 using mkvirtualenv
but somehow the virtual environment was getting created on Python 2.7 (my system python).
If you already know about virtual environments and why they are useful, you may skip the next two paragraphs. I ...